You consider yourself an expert. You have a well documented sustainability strategy in place and you are fairly confident that you will pass the verification without additional support.

99.00 EUR View more



For hotels that are fairly confident in their sustainability efforts and understand what is required but prefer to have the flexibility of up to two rounds of document review, should the need arise.

149.00 EUR View more


This package includes the most support. It is a guided experience; 1-2-1 verification with an additional support call (up to 45 min) with SGS experts.

198.00 EUR View more


This package includes the most support. It is a guided experience; 1-2-1 verification with an additional support call (up to 45 min) with SGS experts.

99.00 EUR View more
Receipt of the application
Receipt of the application
Application documents checked
Application documents checked
First follow-up email, requesting missing documents
First follow-up email, requesting missing documents
Up to 45-minute support call
Up to 45-minute support call x
Re-assessment = 2nd round of documents checked
Re-assessment = 2nd round of documents checked x
Second follow-up email
Second follow-up email x
Final check and decision is communicated to applicant
Final check and decision is communicated to applicant
* one additional support call of up to 45-min can be purchased for 99.00€

Hotel Sustainability Basics is a globally recognised and coordinated set of sustainability indicators that all hotels should implement as a minimum. Developed by the industry for the industry, under the auspices of the World Travel & Tourism Council, they represent the 12 actions that are fundamental to hotel sustainability. The “Basics” have been deliberately designed to align with existing frameworks and certifications, such as the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s Pathway to Positive Hospitality, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) hotel criteria, the UNESCO/Expedia Pledge, Travalyst,, Google, and the Sustainable Development Goals. By starting with the Basics, a hotel can move forward using any of these frameworks in order to further improve their sustainability performance.

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